Dope ass show. Earl and Mac were fucking turnt. Did a lil networking and promotion between Earl and Mac, female asked me to rap and was feeling me, so I had a fine ass female grinding me for basically all of Mac's set. Great night.
Yesterday at work was awesome. Went in myself at 7, boss said it was super busy and I needed others to help me, spent a half hour convincing my friends to come in. They come in, turns out the boss was wrong, we finish all of the work in less than an hour. All we need to do is unload trucks, and the only other truck coming was at 1am. So we hung out outside for a bit, then at 9:30 I went on break and we went to Taco Bell. Came back, moved boxes for no reason for about 20 minutes. Went outside, played Mario Kart DS for an hour. Came back in and helped sort in the back for a half hour, then went outside for another hour to play more DS. Unloaded the truck at 1, finished up and left at 1:47.
Prob made like 50 bucks for about 2 hours of work. And a lot of DS
Just went out to dinner. As we were leaving a radio station had set up with giveaways. He had 4 little pass things with kick ass 2 on it. We got them for free for a premier showing 3 days before release here.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
backstory: tryhard hardass guy from middle school who recently posted photos of himself smoking weed in front of a cop car outside disneyland, cutting kids in line there, getting hammered driving, loves taking self shots of all of it, then this.
took one on the freeway today...
shortly following,
yeah, he could have just broken down, but I prefer to think he wasn't paying attention )
Prob made like 50 bucks for about 2 hours of work. And a lot of DS
Watching that stuff on tv is halarious..
took one on the freeway today...
shortly following,
yeah, he could have just broken down, but I prefer to think he wasn't paying attention