Only a matter of time before Erik's hoops abilities get him out of the ghetto.
This guy I work with who is white, and 5'8", bet me 100 dollars a couple weeks ago that in one year's time he will be able to slam dunk a basketball. No tricks... Regulation hoop, cannot be wearing stilts, can not jump off of something.... Just him, a pair of air jordans, regulation hoop, and his natural abilities. I told him I'm cool with him taking HGH or steroids if he wants too try and win the bet. It's funny because he was telling me that he has already given up being able to palm the ball so it's going to have to be a 2 hand dunk. I lol'd hard. Easiest 100 bucks I'll ever make.
You don't need to palm it to be able to dunk. Not all NBA dunkers even palm it, they'll curl their wrist towards their forearm to sort of cradle it, and then slam it in.
I fail to see what's funny. I can even post fucking videos when I get home. I've even done it myself on a shorter rim. One handed dunk, not palmed, and never lost control of the ball.
I just remember a dunk competition where Shawn Kemp kept trying to dunk and his hands were too small to palm the ball and he kept dropping it on his way up. The announcers were ragging on him hard
I worked with a shit ton of dogs on my first day. This is probably one of the best jobs I've ever had. The last dog I worked with ironically was a boxer. So beautiful, reminded me of Roxy. :x
The joke
My head
jordan** doe
So happy for them. Unfortunately, I saw a spoiler for the Finale
Soooo excited