Cant wait till may, first time gonna do the mustache may thing, me and my bud gonna have a competition to see who can grow the best porno stache, all hyped!!, sucks I cant grow a beard, to much of a baby face, im being told that apparently, if you rub chicken shit on your face, it will make it grow, ewww, might have to try er tho, I at least want to have one winter with a nice manly beard in my life, maybe it'll come in, in a few years yet.
lol goof I said my grandma was born in a small village in alaska, in the one thread, her mother was 5'3 eskimo, and father was a 6'5 sweed, I only got 1/16th eskimo, remember I said im the master at eskimo kisses.
by the way our kids will get free health care, it lasts to like 1/32... reparations for the slaughter of my people, eskimos are counted as the natives. :-))