Now you're just hoeing yourself. It's not my fault your dumbasses couldn't understand simple logic.
No, it's your. As in You, Jaycup, and any others that didn't quite understand the movie when it came out.
Oh_Hi_ChewOh_Hi_Chew July 18 Permalink Quote Posts: 4,742
JLRedWing13 said:
Ed just can't comprehend it because it's a thinking man's movie. <_>
agreed. he actually texted me after words asking me to explain the ending for him lol
That was already cleared up. Chewy didn't understand what I was telling him in text You fail at trolling I would be pissed too if I was a fan of a shitty ass team that lost to an even shittier one.
Now you're just hoeing yourself. It's not my fault your dumbasses couldn't understand simple logic.
No, it's your. As in You, Jaycup, and any others that didn't quite understand the movie when it came out.
Oh_Hi_ChewOh_Hi_Chew July 18 Permalink Quote Posts: 4,742
JLRedWing13 said:
Ed just can't comprehend it because it's a thinking man's movie. <_>
agreed. he actually texted me after words asking me to explain the ending for him lol
That was already cleared up. Chewy didn't understand what I was telling him in text You fail at trolling I would be pissed too if I was a fan of a shitty ass team that lost to an even shittier one.
No it wasn't. We all clearly knew you didn't know wtf was going on and had to ask Chew. Don't be mad cause youz can't think during smart movies
You really are trying and failing I know for a fact you didn't understand Inception because you couldn't even tell me the basics of it. Hell, you couldn't even give me a descriptive answer of what you thought happened in the end. Once again, I asked Chew nothing and I have the text to prove it. If you want, I can post the picture here and once again hoe your life with proof.
I know you like to troll when your team fails to hide the shame. That's ok, but if your team loses to the Bucks then that further proves that I was correct about the Spurs' future. *Waits for another stupid response from Marc*
LOL! You were the one that didn't give any discriptive answer at all. I did and it was pretty much right. You on the other hand avoided answering by just quoting people and saying "yeah I agree". Not once you answered the question of what happened at the end or anything.
It's k if the Spurs never win a championship again. All I know is Boston will never get passed LA when it matters most and the West will dominate them from years to come :]
LOL! Now I know that you're trolling, so I'll just play along until my friends are ready to see Love & Other Drugs. I gave a straight up answer to you and all you said was "naw mayne that ain't right are you serious". I avoided no answer and I can give you a straight up answer right here if you want.
Los Angeles is on a slump. They will not three peat, so that leaves it to Boston to take the gold this time. Don't be pissed when you see KG with that title again.
LOL! Now I know that you're trolling, so I'll just play along until my friends are ready to see Love & Other Drugs. I gave a straight up answer to you and all you said was "naw mayne that ain't right are you serious". I avoided no answer and I can give you a straight up answer right here if you want.
Los Angeles is on a slump. They will not three peat, so that leaves it to Boston to take the gold this time. Don't be pissed when you see KG with that title again.
Or I can just bump the thread :]
LA plays when it matters most. In the playoffs and that's when they turn it on. Like the 4 game losing streak is going to affect them 4 or 5 months from now lol. Even if KG wins 2 he will never be as good as Duncan. He's got 4 rings to his 2 and back to back MVP and 3 time finals MVP. KG has nothing on anyone besides 1 championship. KG, Allen, and Pierce aren't going to bail you out in the long run
KG is already better than Duncan. Do you want to know the difference? The difference is KG can actually play ball and not rely on the backboard to make his shots.
As in
You, Jaycup, and any others that didn't quite understand the movie when it came out.
Posts: 4,742
JLRedWing13 said:
Ed just can't comprehend it because it's a thinking man's movie. <_>
agreed. he actually texted me after words asking me to explain the ending for him lol
Chewy didn't understand what I was telling him in text
You fail at trolling
I would be pissed too if I was a fan of a shitty ass team that lost to an even shittier one.
Watch "Primer" if want to see something without understanding it
and I rather lose to 1 shitty team then 2
I know for a fact you didn't understand Inception because you couldn't even tell me the basics of it. Hell, you couldn't even give me a descriptive answer of what you thought happened in the end. Once again, I asked Chew nothing and I have the text to prove it. If you want, I can post the picture here and once again hoe your life with proof.
I know you like to troll when your team fails to hide the shame. That's ok, but if your team loses to the Bucks then that further proves that I was correct about the Spurs' future. *Waits for another stupid response from Marc*
It's k if the Spurs never win a championship again. All I know is Boston will never get passed LA when it matters most and the West will dominate them from years to come :]
Los Angeles is on a slump. They will not three peat, so that leaves it to Boston to take the gold this time. Don't be pissed when you see KG with that title again.
LA plays when it matters most. In the playoffs and that's when they turn it on. Like the 4 game losing streak is going to affect them 4 or 5 months from now lol. Even if KG wins 2 he will never be as good as Duncan. He's got 4 rings to his 2 and back to back MVP and 3 time finals MVP. KG has nothing on anyone besides 1 championship. KG, Allen, and Pierce aren't going to bail you out in the long run