my son took the camera and was randomly taking pictures. he keeps on talking about an "invisible friend" named Sophie. what the hell is this? Any thoughts?
If you're wondering how he did it, try and take another pic of it in the same place just as close and see what it looks like. I'd post a pic of something but can't at the time being
Oh come on...You're jumping on his case for that? Whenever I see a dude that looks like a chick..and then you find out it's a dude...the reaction is pretty much always the same, "What the fuck?" I don't think about this persons orientation, I think, "Holy shit he looks like a she"
yeah....i don't see any reason to jump on eric for calling him a fag.....fag dude is fag dude...i dont have anmy problem with gay people unless they are overly flamboyant about it
some one else post a mssed up picture people can guess on
What do you think?
I was trying to see if you could figure out if it was a guy or not...which he is.
Fucking fag.
Yeah hes what?
no need to be bashing him on his gayness.....He isnt like Justin Bieber or anything.
Glad im not the only one who thinks that.
Whenever I see a dude that looks like a chick..and then you find out it's a dude...the reaction is pretty much always the same, "What the fuck?"
I don't think about this persons orientation, I think, "Holy shit he looks like a she"