You can't knock it from 65% to 32.5% for males, because we weren't even considering males. It's percentage of females you want to see naked, not percentage of humans.
I messed that up because I started off trying to figure out the actual number of women on the planet i'd like to see naked, then realized you asked for percent.
Has nothing to do with Christianity at this point.
Holy shit... Did you finally give up on that Christianity bullshit?
Yes and no. I don't know what I believe anymore. I'm in no way shape for form against religion of any type. And I still identify as "Christian", in the sense that I believe in a God and whatnot. But I don't really believe in or follow the religious/Church aspect of it. I haven't even been to Church regularly in about a year.
But as it applies to this, I'm still a single virgin-for-life forever-alone Wizard. And I find conversations like this stupid and demeaning.
Has nothing to do with Christianity at this point.
Holy shit... Did you finally give up on that Christianity bullshit?
Yes and no. I don't know what I believe anymore. I'm in no way shape for form against religion of any type. And I still identify as "Christian", in the sense that I believe in a God and whatnot. But I don't really believe in or follow the religious/Church aspect of it. I haven't even been to Church regularly in about a year.
But as it applies to this, I'm still a single virgin-for-life forever-alone Wizard. And I find conversations like this stupid and demeaning.
Demeaning to who? All the women on this site??? ) )
look- being serious here for 2 seconds. I wasn't even going to bring up the virgin thing cause it's really not a big deal. Frankly I actually respect your honesty cause most guys would just lie about it. Anyways, getting to the point- we are all just guys here and this is just guy talk. Yet you take offense and feel the need to white night women because you place pussy on a pedestal. And the pussy on the pedestal thing is probably 80% of the reason why you haven't got any yet. So do yourself a favor man and just stop being so uptight and worrying about being a virgin. Your time will come, don't fret it man \m/
I've never understood the correlation between nudity and morals you realize we started wearing clothes for warmth yes? Not for censorship.. do the girls in Africa with their tits hanging out have no morals and little respect for themselves?
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Also good to hear you are finally doubting the bullshit spoon fed to you by Christianity. Continue to ask questions, continue to think. If something doesn't make sense then call them on their bullshit. Good luck man
I had a friend who was having doubts ask me if I could recommend a good book he could read that would make him an atheist. I said "yeah man! I have just the book for you. It's called The Bible" )
I've never understood the correlation between nudity and morals you realize we started wearing clothes for warmth yes? Not for censorship.. do the girls in Africa with their tits hanging out have no morals and little respect for themselves?
) when did anything with religion make any sense? Nudity-morals is last on a really long list of 'that makes no fucking sense'.
Even the the main point of the book makes no sense. God who is all knowing and knows what we will do, makes himself into a man, so he can come and be killed by humans, so that he can forgive us and then we can go to heaven. Da fuck? How high was the person when he wrote that. I know, how about he just skips the bullshit and forgives us without the whole mid evil show?
Yeah, religion is dumb as fuck. I think people are still too simple to understand where we are and where we come from. Like I'm sure my dog thinks my car runs on magic but that's cuz he's too dumb to understand science. He's smart for a dog, but that's it. I kinda feel like that's how we are when it comes to a great deal of things.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
You know what I find scary... In the last decade (roughly) through DNA we have found out that we are 99% identical in DNA to apes. Like if you are looking at human and ape genetic code we are 1% different. Yet here we are walking on the moon and and studying our genetic makeup, where apes just throw shit at each other. Even the smartest ape doesn't even come close to the intelligence of our kids... And yet all that we are, that separates us from apes is 1%.
Now this is the scary part- what if there is an alien species in another solar system that is 1% different from us in the same direction we are from the apes? What if the reason we think we are alone is because actual intelligent beings don't bother trying to talk to use because we are just so damn stupid. When was the last time you tried to have a conversation with a slug? Perhaps that is how we would be viewed. I feel it's very likely we are just too stupid to truly understand the secrets of the universe and it troubles me deeply.
Has nothing to do with Christianity at this point.
Holy shit... Did you finally give up on that Christianity bullshit?
Yes and no. I don't know what I believe anymore. I'm in no way shape for form against religion of any type. And I still identify as "Christian", in the sense that I believe in a God and whatnot. But I don't really believe in or follow the religious/Church aspect of it. I haven't even been to Church regularly in about a year.
But as it applies to this, I'm still a single virgin-for-life forever-alone Wizard. And I find conversations like this stupid and demeaning.
Demeaning to who? All the women on this site??? ) )
look- being serious here for 2 seconds. I wasn't even going to bring up the virgin thing cause it's really not a big deal. Frankly I actually respect your honesty cause most guys would just lie about it. Anyways, getting to the point- we are all just guys here and this is just guy talk. Yet you take offense and feel the need to white night women because you place pussy on a pedestal. And the pussy on the pedestal thing is probably 80% of the reason why you haven't got any yet. So do yourself a favor man and just stop being so uptight and worrying about being a virgin. Your time will come, don't fret it man \m/
Demeaning to women in general. I'm not most guys. I don't participate in "guy talk", because quite frankly it contributes to a way of thought that carries over into other aspects of life.
I don't put pussy on a pedestal either. I'm not fretting or worrying about losing my virginity either. I gave up on that a while ago. "My time will not come".
That's the wake I know and love. "Troubles me deeply." I like to imagine him tossing and turning in his sleep and his wife wide awake pissed off because he didn't say shit about her haircut or the dinner she spent hours on. I haven't talked to a slug but there's an entire group of people who poked the shit out of them and opened them up repeatedly just to get an idea of what they are and how they work along with a bunch of other random shit just to see wjay would happen. Then found another slug that looked different and did it all over again. The slugs didn't know what was up though, why should we? Science isn't my thing so I'm probably not going to be contributing much to future knowledge of things I likely won't know before I die anyway. I'll leave it up to the AI that start being better at that shit than us.
You know what I find scary... In the last decade (roughly) through DNA we have found out that we are 99% identical in DNA to apes. Like if you are looking at human and ape genetic code we are 1% different. Yet here we are walking on the moon and and studying our genetic makeup, where apes just throw shit at each other. Even the smartest ape doesn't even come close to the intelligence of our kids... And yet all that we are, that separates us from apes is 1%.
Now this is the scary part- what if there is an alien species in another solar system that is 1% different from us in the same direction we are from the apes? What if the reason we think we are alone is because actual intelligent beings don't bother trying to talk to use because we are just so damn stupid. When was the last time you tried to have a conversation with a slug? Perhaps that is how we would be viewed. I feel it's very likely we are just too stupid to truly understand the secrets of the universe and it troubles me deeply.
Way to steal that almost word for word from Neil deGrasse Tyson
But as it applies to this, I'm still a single virgin-for-life forever-alone Wizard. And I find conversations like this stupid and demeaning.
look- being serious here for 2 seconds. I wasn't even going to bring up the virgin thing cause it's really not a big deal. Frankly I actually respect your honesty cause most guys would just lie about it. Anyways, getting to the point- we are all just guys here and this is just guy talk. Yet you take offense and feel the need to white night women because you place pussy on a pedestal. And the pussy on the pedestal thing is probably 80% of the reason why you haven't got any yet. So do yourself a favor man and just stop being so uptight and worrying about being a virgin. Your time will come, don't fret it man \m/
you realize we started wearing clothes for warmth yes? Not for censorship..
do the girls in Africa with their tits hanging out have no morals and little respect for themselves?
I had a friend who was having doubts ask me if I could recommend a good book he could read that would make him an atheist. I said "yeah man! I have just the book for you. It's called The Bible"
Even the the main point of the book makes no sense. God who is all knowing and knows what we will do, makes himself into a man, so he can come and be killed by humans, so that he can forgive us and then we can go to heaven. Da fuck? How high was the person when he wrote that. I know, how about he just skips the bullshit and forgives us without the whole mid evil show?
Now this is the scary part- what if there is an alien species in another solar system that is 1% different from us in the same direction we are from the apes? What if the reason we think we are alone is because actual intelligent beings don't bother trying to talk to use because we are just so damn stupid. When was the last time you tried to have a conversation with a slug? Perhaps that is how we would be viewed. I feel it's very likely we are just too stupid to truly understand the secrets of the universe and it troubles me deeply.
I don't put pussy on a pedestal either. I'm not fretting or worrying about losing my virginity either. I gave up on that a while ago. "My time will not come".