Wtf? Gameplay was great. Fantastic story. Beautiful environment. Original concept and design. An ending that will live on in video game history forever. It was all around amazing.
I feel like I'm coming off a little harsh on The Last of Us. It was my second favorite game of last year. Great story. Top notch graphics. From a great developer. But it really is annoyingly overhyped and overrated.
Come on now, you can not honestly say that about Bioshock. It has nothing in common with games like Halo and CoD except for the first person aspect. Bioshock is not run-and-gun at all. And its way more complex and deep than most modern shooters. I can see a comparison to some of the old shooters like Doom, Wolfenstein, and Duke Nukem. But the environment and story make up for it.
But, you can make the same argument for The Last of Us as far as gameplay too. That game wasn't nearly as original or creative as Bioshock. Typical zombie environment. With typical Uncharted meets Resident Evil gameplay. With added crafting - like EVERY indie game on the market right now.
I am kinda hype no lie about AW....Lou was easily number 1...had everything. He'll GTA beat infinite just because of gameplay. Infinite was 10 hours max and then you were done. Awesome game. But not better than Lou
Quality over quantity. So what if it was a shorter game? Game was fucking amazing.
And GTFO with GTA being better than Infinite. Both Infinite and Last of Us beat that game by a landslide. GTA is fun but NOWHERE near as good as those two.
The Uncharted series was my fav from last gen. But of all time its not on my top 5 either. Uncharted 2 would prob make my top 10 though.
I thought it was last gen. Nvm.
where's my nigga ed at :!!
lol hang yourself
0 to Todd in one post
Apparently you need to go replay Infinite
Story was good gameplay was trash.
Wtf? Gameplay was great. Fantastic story. Beautiful environment. Original concept and design. An ending that will live on in video game history forever. It was all around amazing.
I feel like I'm coming off a little harsh on The Last of Us. It was my second favorite game of last year. Great story. Top notch graphics. From a great developer. But it really is annoyingly overhyped and overrated.
Play one first person shooter play them all. Run to one area, kill wave of enemies. Rinse and repeat.
At least LOU had suspense and I knew I could get killed in a heartbeat.
Come on now, you can not honestly say that about Bioshock. It has nothing in common with games like Halo and CoD except for the first person aspect. Bioshock is not run-and-gun at all. And its way more complex and deep than most modern shooters. I can see a comparison to some of the old shooters like Doom, Wolfenstein, and Duke Nukem. But the environment and story make up for it.
But, you can make the same argument for The Last of Us as far as gameplay too. That game wasn't nearly as original or creative as Bioshock. Typical zombie environment. With typical Uncharted meets Resident Evil gameplay. With added crafting - like EVERY indie game on the market right now.
I am kinda hype no lie about AW....Lou was easily number 1...had everything. He'll GTA beat infinite just because of gameplay. Infinite was 10 hours max and then you were done. Awesome game. But not better than Lou
rex still delusional nothing to see here
I was talking about gameplay.. I easily played GTA for 30-40 hours and had a blast.
> 10 hours having a blast for the same price