cuz on 2 shots in goal they already had 2 goal.. What am I gonna do? Allow 0 shots on goal? CPU is fucking stupid that all there is to it.. It'd be like in madden them completing. An 80 yd td pass every other play
You didnt even win the possesion battle and only got one corner kick
Are you fucking retarded?
Sog is the only thing that matters period
Are you fucking retarded?
The less amount of time your opponent has the ball, the less chance they have of scoring. Hold on to the ball more and be more patient before shooting faggot thats all there is to it plan and simple bottom line.
Score would be like 15-9...
If you suck
I play 8 min with other people . It's just too long by yourself
6 minute game
40 min game is srsly the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life
I had 10 shots in 3 min so that would equate to over 100 per game
why don't you play on a harder difficulty that makes it more realistic
cuz on 2 shots in goal they already had 2 goal.. What am I gonna do? Allow 0 shots on goal? CPU is fucking stupid that all there is to it.. It'd be like in madden them completing. An 80 yd td pass every other play
I should try hardest difficulty and just see what happens doe
If you up the difficulty the computer players on your team get better to
I'll give it a shot but pro difficulty is retarded .. I have about a .500 record against CPU and have literally out shot then every single game
FIFA 14 was actually way easier than FIFA wc
Gonna do hardest difficulty 20 min game and I'll post the results
Oh damn I fucked up 6 min was half length not full game
Are you fucking retarded?
The less amount of time your opponent has the ball, the less chance they have of scoring. Hold on to the ball more and be more patient before shooting faggot thats all there is to it plan and simple bottom line.
They had 2 shots you fucking moron
play better defense then faggot :-?? never in my life have I seen someone give up 100% of shots taken so you must suck dick
Yea cuz I really control the goalie..
Jake confirmed clinically retarded good to know