You can't deny that what they did with the systems was awesome for the tech they had. Visually anyways...gameplay was fun to...story and and online sucked doe
Online had potential but fuck what they had at release was poverty
Online had potential but fuck what they had at release was poverty
At release? They still dont have shit
agreed...that's why I said was terrible ...they should have just held on to the whole online launch until next gen. It was totally incomplete...or called it a beta. It was fun for a couple weeks just cause you could GTA with friends but yeah terrible.
Year later and GTAV's cock is still V feet down Rex's throat.
fuck Rockstar. Niggas still havent given us heists
Fuck you gave watch dogs a 9.5/ 10 right
Fuck was like a 4/10 maybe
Don't talk to me about cock being stuffed down the throat. You're a pro at it.
only game that was actually worth my money recently was TLOU. Lol
damn, rex still white knighting for gta
You can't deny that what they did with the systems was awesome for the tech they had. Visually anyways...gameplay was fun to...story and and online sucked doe
Online had potential but fuck what they had at release was poverty
TLoU and Beyond: Two Souls had better graphics than GTA5
At release? They still dont have shit can't compare the two...linear vs. open world
You can use a lot more power on graphic when the game is confined to one space
You kidding me with that flag...kill yourself Todd
goddamn uirate
bored af doe
Def wasn't spam
Maybe you should get a system...or gtfo out this thread poverty faggot