Sold my xbox like 2-3 years ago and never even thought about getting another one. I get kinda mad when I think of how much money I spent on video games back then.
And if he would have spent that time a little more wisely, he could have spent that time working towards something tangible... if it was weights he would be ripped by now. If it was classes it would be half a degree or certificate, an apprenticeship, write a book or learn to paint, become a plumber, take an electricians class. He could be half way to a purple belt at an hour a day.
Set some real life goals people. Life keeps passing you by while you sit back and pretend that you're still 12.
You play video games too Preach to yourself Matisyahu.
I've got no problem with gaming or any other hobby really. I still play them myself. My problem is just when your not where you want to be in life, yet all you do is sit around without working towards improving your situation. Being low income suuuuucks.... but most people are content to stay there given enough distractions. Not enough people know how to actually become successful and achieve the things they want. They are all too willing to give up long term happiness for short term comforts and stay spinning their wheels in the mud. Video games are fun, but in the long run you aren't getting much out of them, and your long term goals wont get done if you never get around to working on them.
I look at video games the same way I look at movies, comics, books, music, TV, and any other form of media. Its an important part of my life. I feel like some of the games I've played have impacted me. Its an art form.
Yes he is in college... and his extensive wealth of Power Ranger knowledge, both American and the far superior Japanese version is helping him kill it with the ladies after Quiddich practice too.
Yes he is in college... and his extensive wealth of Power Ranger knowledge, both American and the far superior Japanese version is helping him kill it with the ladies after Quiddich practice too.
You play video games too
Preach to yourself Matisyahu.
might as well block jobe
I've got no problem with gaming or any other hobby really. I still play them myself. My problem is just when your not where you want to be in life, yet all you do is sit around without working towards improving your situation. Being low income suuuuucks.... but most people are content to stay there given enough distractions. Not enough people know how to actually become successful and achieve the things they want. They are all too willing to give up long term happiness for short term comforts and stay spinning their wheels in the mud. Video games are fun, but in the long run you aren't getting much out of them, and your long term goals wont get done if you never get around to working on them.
I look at video games the same way I look at movies, comics, books, music, TV, and any other form of media. Its an important part of my life. I feel like some of the games I've played have impacted me. Its an art form.
So much butt hurt
MC, lets be real here... your life is video games, tv, music and comic books. You're still a child.
yeah MC, its not like you go to college or anything 8-|
i swear to god if you enjoy yourself.
Yes he is in college... and his extensive wealth of Power Ranger knowledge, both American and the far superior Japanese version is helping him kill it with the ladies after Quiddich practice too.
The Japanese version is called Super Sentai [-(
All I know is that the pink ranger was a dude in a suit. Bad new for some of you. If you ever masturbated watching that show then you're secretly gay.
Yellow ranger was [-(
Fite me.