No fucking story or explanation of why/how conduits still exist
Yup. At the beginning the just say conduits reappeared again. No explanation of why/how. They added a DLC called Cole's legacy that was supposed to explain it but it created more plot holes. The DLC is pretty pointless and just offers two of the laziest theories as to why they still exist. 1.) Cole's sacrifice in Infamous 2 didn't kill all the conduits like they said and showed the player that it did. Well, if thats so what was the point of killing Cole off? Also, why would some live and others die? 2.) The conduit gene didn't die. Well that still doesn't answer the question of why or how does it? That sucks about the Uncharted recast, but I can't wait for Uncharted 4. All of them have been nothing short of amazing so far, especially Uncharted 2.
I thought it was like SSB enough to feel similar, but different enough so it didn't feel like a rip off. 0 though, it was fun and cool to play with PS characters. Its been a while since SSB had come out too.
Speaking of, hypin that new SSB coming out. Megaman is gonna be sick.
Haha yeah I haven't played a Mega Man game in years. Should be fun to see him back out. But yeah the Infamous SS thing was bullshit. Though I do recommend getting it. Characters are pretty cool, and it is fun to play through despite the story just being a cat and mouse chase. Graphics are amazing. Campaign is short as fuck. I got the platinum in 10 hours and I work 12 hour shifts Mon-Fri lol
I'm still waiting on Megaman X 9. The X series is my jam.
Nothing about the PS4's launch yet has gotten me really hyped to get one. There aren't that many games for it, and the games I am interested in that are out kind of have negative reactions to them (inFAMOUS, Killzone). I'd mostly be getting it for exclusives, since I mainly PC game now. I hope to get one at some point, but still...
My brother will probably want to get one for the upcoming Batman game though. And I want one for when Kingdom Hearts 3 launches.
Fuck anyone dissing Shadow Fall dude. Don't let critics get ya. Amazing story, engaging story, and it takes you for a huge twist towards the end. Online is fucking fun as hell too.
Yup. At the beginning the just say conduits reappeared again. No explanation of why/how. They added a DLC called Cole's legacy that was supposed to explain it but it created more plot holes. The DLC is pretty pointless and just offers two of the laziest theories as to why they still exist. 1.) Cole's sacrifice in Infamous 2 didn't kill all the conduits like they said and showed the player that it did. Well, if thats so what was the point of killing Cole off? Also, why would some live and others die? 2.) The conduit gene didn't die. Well that still doesn't answer the question of why or how does it? That sucks about the Uncharted recast, but I can't wait for Uncharted 4. All of them have been nothing short of amazing so far, especially Uncharted 2.
That's some grade A bull-shit.
Fuck yeah. Love Killzone, Unhcharted & Resistance. Playstation All Stars was just a weak ass Smash Bros. rip off.
I thought it was like SSB enough to feel similar, but different enough so it didn't feel like a rip off. 0 though, it was fun and cool to play with PS characters. Its been a while since SSB had come out too.
Speaking of, hypin that new SSB coming out. Megaman is gonna be sick.
Haha yeah I haven't played a Mega Man game in years. Should be fun to see him back out. But yeah the Infamous SS thing was bullshit. Though I do recommend getting it. Characters are pretty cool, and it is fun to play through despite the story just being a cat and mouse chase. Graphics are amazing. Campaign is short as fuck. I got the platinum in 10 hours and I work 12 hour shifts Mon-Fri lol
I'm still waiting on Megaman X 9. The X series is my jam.
Nothing about the PS4's launch yet has gotten me really hyped to get one. There aren't that many games for it, and the games I am interested in that are out kind of have negative reactions to them (inFAMOUS, Killzone). I'd mostly be getting it for exclusives, since I mainly PC game now. I hope to get one at some point, but still...
My brother will probably want to get one for the upcoming Batman game though. And I want one for when Kingdom Hearts 3 launches.
Fuck anyone dissing Shadow Fall dude. Don't let critics get ya. Amazing story, engaging story, and it takes you for a huge twist towards the end. Online is fucking fun as hell too.
Found my Vita. Again. I swear it goes missing more often than not. About to lose it again in 5....4....3....
I wonder if they will ever actually come out with good games for it?
ky lol
Logged onto Steam. Got four free copies of Dead Island Epidemic on Steam today. \m/
To dope
yeah I did it on purpose cause I knew you would get irate about it