Been playin Second Son quite a bit. Game is pretty kick ass i do like how each power set is designed for a certain play style. My only real complaint is side missions are really redundant.
I've been lost in endless seas
My heart died long ago
I curse my failures as I fall from you
I said it did some innovative doesn't's a good game a for sure worth a couple plays.... But I feel like it's more or of good start for next gen then an amazing game....the games that came out at the beginning of the last consoles were mostly garbage...having a pretty good title this early on is exciting to me.... Watch dogs :!! :!! :!! Ufc :!! :!!
fucking Rex can never just admit when a game sucks
Been playin Second Son quite a bit. Game is pretty kick ass i do like how each power set is designed for a certain play style. My only real complaint is side missions are really redundant.
I'm talking about second son....get out of the poverty era son
yeah once you beat it all the side missions are exactly the did some innovative this but was too short
> Game is short
> Doing same thing over and over
> Its fun and innovative
I said it did some innovative doesn't's a good game a for sure worth a couple plays.... But I feel like it's more or of good start for next gen then an amazing game....the games that came out at the beginning of the last consoles were mostly garbage...having a pretty good title this early on is exciting to me.... Watch dogs :!! :!! :!! Ufc :!! :!!
:!! :!! :!!
arkham knights :!!
naughty dog :!! :!!
A real game. Not that faggy mmo bullshit
yeah I ain't paying 15? Bucks a month fuck off
Yea, I heard ESO wasn't great. Like a worse WoW with an ES skin.
Fuck they need to put ps3 games on ps4 many I wanna play that came out after mine died
Dino Crisis might finally be getting a reboot this year.
Lebron gave me his signature skill and dunks lol
The last of us is coming to ps4 ^:)^