I really liked the first two... Never got Festival of Blood. Keep forgetting. I should get on that. Actually haven't beaten the second one as an evil character yet either. Should get on that too.
Second Son is one of the reasons I want a PS4 though.
I have some questions with the ps4 if anyone can answer.
Do you have to have psn+ to use Netflix or just basic functions? Or is it just required for playing games online? Will I need to buy an hen I cable just like with old systems or are they supplying them finally?
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Second Son is one of the reasons I want a PS4 though.
Do you have to have psn+ to use Netflix or just basic functions? Or is it just required for playing games online?
Will I need to buy an hen I cable just like with old systems or are they supplying them finally?
Interestingly, phones with flappy bird installed are going for thousands on ebay.