So when I was trying to get that dumbass gtav to work I realized I want to play something online. Today I see redbox has ghosts and I decide why not but they didn't have it. Stop to get gas and that gas station happened to have a redbox. Out again. It annoyed me so I drove across the street and went to gamestop bought black ops for twn bucks. Been playing and realized how much I missed playing it. Ill probably be up all night now. Well at least until the muscle relaxers knock me out
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
everyone else gave it to The Last of Us.
>Classic Car Series '79 and under
>Finna go ham
>Buy Chevelle 70k
>Invest 100k
>My car is a fucking beast
>Only 3 races
>Max 10k each race