No shit. So why not wait a year until you have a half dozen awesome games to choose from instead of a couple ok ones? Give yourself a Colombian necktie.
You'll spend thousands trying to buy it all back in your later years
I had a nice collection including ocarina of time gold with box and everything I could have made more off it but I didn't feel like taking the time to piece it out. I thought about if I wanted it later most of whatbi play they re made for the 3ds ill go that route
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I dunno... maybe my standards were lower back in the day, but I enjoyed pretty much every game during PS2. Everything was gold. High, middle and low tier games... For PS3, I feel there is a lot of crap to sort out before finding gold. And its really just the indie games and some of the AAA games that are gold.
I think it just became easier to throw an underdeveloped game together and ship it...that couple with the fact everybody wants to make a quick game based off some show or some movie...I think that's why we have so many shit games...but there are plenty of amazing games to
any of you niggas play mystical ninja? holy fuck that was my shit.
I preferred play station games
Thps2 on play station >