So this is my year end list as far as what I've played. Still gotta play/beat Arkham Origins/Blackgate, Tearaway, Killzone Mercenary/Shadow Fall, Assassin's Creed 4, Knack, Ratchet And Clank Into The Nexus, Pokemon X/Y, etc.
#1: The Last Of Us 11/10 #2: Grand Theft Auto V 10/10 #3: Bioshock: Infinite 10/10 #4: Saints Row IV 10/10 #5: Splinter Cell: Blacklist 10/10 #6: Sly Cooper 4 10/10 #7: Tomb Raider 9/10 #8: God Of War: Ascension 8.5/10 #9: Gears Of War: Judgment 8/10 #10: Dead Space 3 7/10
A bunch of 10s but these are in order regardless. Sly and Saints Row were hands down just the most all out FUN games to play this year, both just put me in a good ass mood while playing them. Splinter Cell was fucking amazing (And in general, slept on.) and I spent a lot of time on that game, both offline and on. Spies Vs Mercs was the goat multiplayer this year imo. Picking a number one between TLOU and GTAV was hard, but I chose it based on the story and multiplayer, where TLOU has a major advantage in both categories. Hands down the best story of the year, and in years for video games period. Then the multiplayer, I don't typically factor in multiplayer when I score games, but being that A: I spent a lot of time on both games' multiplayers (For trophies and achievements.) and B: Rockstar marketed GTAO as such a huge part of GTAV, I had to. And the simple fact of the matter is, while TLOU's multiplayer is nothing special or unique, it's a solid ass TPS multiplayer that I really enjoyed and wanna go back to. GTAO is fun, even great, at certain points, but it's still broken and only a shell and shadow of what Rockstar promised it would be. Plus all my time spent on it to get the achievements feels like a chore, whereas TLOU was fun all the way through on the way to earning those online trophies. So TLOU gets the edge and is my 2013 GOTY.
Yeah my gf bought me this Sega Genesis collection for the Xbox and it has like every good game for the system. I tried playing the Sonics after 3 and they all blow lol
Man but looking back, what a great fucking year for video games, right from the fucking beginning. Just in the 1st quarter, you immediately had Sly, God Of War, Gears Of War, Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, and Tomb Raider. ^:)^
I think I might like Sonic 3 and Knuckles just a bit more than 2. Sonic 2 was harder though. That last level gave me fits as a kid since you can't take even one hit.
Yeah the last of us was the best game of these generations of consoles...while I'll probably never get that feeling back of the first time I played GTAV, it could not pass LOU because of so many things ( mostly online) that Rockstar promised us were not in GTAV...while I pretty much feel like this was because of console limitations... They were both beautiful amazing games....LOU had me emotionally hooked....def GOTY
This is my games of the year list. I didn't even play 10 new games this year. I'm slacking.
1. Bioshock: Infinite 2. The Last Of Us 3. DotA 2 4. Injustice: Gods Among Us 5. Outlast 6. Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs 7. Dead Space 3 8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
I would have liked TMNT more had the online worked as it was supposed to.
As for game of the generation: My favorite would be one of the Uncharted games, but as for "best" or "most impactful" I'd probably go with the first Bioshock, or maybe The Walking Dead Game or something.
#1: The Last Of Us 11/10
#2: Grand Theft Auto V 10/10
#3: Bioshock: Infinite 10/10
#4: Saints Row IV 10/10
#5: Splinter Cell: Blacklist 10/10
#6: Sly Cooper 4 10/10
#7: Tomb Raider 9/10
#8: God Of War: Ascension 8.5/10
#9: Gears Of War: Judgment 8/10
#10: Dead Space 3 7/10
A bunch of 10s but these are in order regardless. Sly and Saints Row were hands down just the most all out FUN games to play this year, both just put me in a good ass mood while playing them. Splinter Cell was fucking amazing (And in general, slept on.) and I spent a lot of time on that game, both offline and on. Spies Vs Mercs was the goat multiplayer this year imo. Picking a number one between TLOU and GTAV was hard, but I chose it based on the story and multiplayer, where TLOU has a major advantage in both categories. Hands down the best story of the year, and in years for video games period. Then the multiplayer, I don't typically factor in multiplayer when I score games, but being that A: I spent a lot of time on both games' multiplayers (For trophies and achievements.) and B: Rockstar marketed GTAO as such a huge part of GTAV, I had to. And the simple fact of the matter is, while TLOU's multiplayer is nothing special or unique, it's a solid ass TPS multiplayer that I really enjoyed and wanna go back to. GTAO is fun, even great, at certain points, but it's still broken and only a shell and shadow of what Rockstar promised it would be. Plus all my time spent on it to get the achievements feels like a chore, whereas TLOU was fun all the way through on the way to earning those online trophies. So TLOU gets the edge and is my 2013 GOTY.
All 3 of the first sonics were
Swallow horse shit.
Nigga ain't even been on the 2nd plateau
How could you expect him to understand
1. Bioshock: Infinite
2. The Last Of Us
3. DotA 2
4. Injustice: Gods Among Us
5. Outlast
6. Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs
7. Dead Space 3
8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
I would have liked TMNT more had the online worked as it was supposed to.
As for game of the generation: My favorite would be one of the Uncharted games, but as for "best" or "most impactful" I'd probably go with the first Bioshock, or maybe The Walking Dead Game or something.