So one of the requirements for the Kifflom! Achievement is running 5 miles through the desert in your Epsilon robes. Needless to say, LOLNOPE. So I've had my controller like this for the past 15 minutes:
Cities XL: Platinum Edition, Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition, Divinity II: Director's Cut Edition, R.A.W.: Realms of Ancient War, Game of Thrones RPG, Confrontation, Wargame: European Escalation, and The Testament of Sherlock Holmes + Divinity II, Confrontation, and Sherlock Holmes soundtracks for $6.50.
@Rex420 @MarcTheFallen66 @JakeTheRutabaga
Kick the chair.
> online sucks, it is the worst thing ever
> let's play!
At first, this.
But now actually playing it, shit is trash.
This guy is such a smartass
Cities XL: Platinum Edition, Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition, Divinity II: Director's Cut Edition, R.A.W.: Realms of Ancient War, Game of Thrones RPG, Confrontation, Wargame: European Escalation, and The Testament of Sherlock Holmes + Divinity II, Confrontation, and Sherlock Holmes soundtracks for $6.50.
420 Gange Farm