Little Baby Dovahkiin Is Born! Parents Win Skyrim Naming Contest
Please welcome Dovahkiin Tom Kellermeyer into the world. He was born on 11/11/11, the release date of Skyrim. His parents, Megan and Eric Kellermeyer are now the winners of the Bethesda contest that offered free games for life to any couple who would name their baby "Dovahkiin" -- as long as the baby was born on the release date of Skyrim .
While games are great, looks like they also got one cute baby. He's a keeper. We hope they are teaching him dragon shouts already.
A realistic wrestling game with great graphics sounds boring. Only reason I liked wrestling games was the crazy repetitive moves and old graphics. This game was bawse
After watching some new WWE 12 videos, I don't even really want it anymore. Looks like John Cena, same old shit different match.
I know what you're saying about the Smackdown games being the same but I think this year could be different. Plus the list of confirmed belts is pretty badass.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Have had that since the start of November.
Little Baby Dovahkiin Is Born! Parents Win Skyrim Naming Contest
Please welcome Dovahkiin Tom Kellermeyer into the world. He was born on 11/11/11, the release date of Skyrim. His parents, Megan and Eric Kellermeyer are now the winners of the Bethesda contest that offered free games for life to any couple who would name their baby "Dovahkiin" -- as long as the baby was born on the release date of Skyrim .
While games are great, looks like they also got one cute baby. He's a keeper. We hope they are teaching him dragon shouts already.
going thru my second playthru as Luigi to get to the very last level.
I just played MW3 Survival with my friend for 6 hours straight... shit was cash.
srsly, fuck that level.