Though I must admit that Mass Effect 2 is legions better than any GoW game.
i still need to get it, but judging from what my friends have showed me of it, ITS GODLY
It will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. it Starts off with a bang and never takes its hands off you're throat til the credits roll
sounds good to me
watch this. its a gameplay montage which shows a lot of good action. keep in mind while watching this, the guy is playing a solider and Tech and Biotic powers are not even a part of this video, which by the way you can combo between your party. there are minor minor spoilers but nothing really plot related
if you can't find something to like in ME2 then you can't like any other RPG's or games with story telling elements. most likely you love mindless FPS shooting galleries and play very little else
i just find the FPS craze mind boggling. its pretty much everyone making the same game over and over with variations here or there and different maps or player limits. sometimes you get people that think outside the box like they did for bioshock but its few and far between
Not for MAG ,but definitely for the other ones.
and Duke Nukem. But Duke Nukem is EPIC AS FVCK
That had MUCH more story and RPG elements than Bioshock.