Since I beat walking dead I guess I'm gonna play far cry 4. Still need to play resident evil and I have a shit ton of things to do on sunset overdrive though.
Also so need to check out temple of Osiris. I have it just haven't played it yet.
Havent touched he'd the resident evil remake yet either
Yeah I would do so before buying it. Have you ever played Dragonball Z: Sagas? This new one plays alot like it. It reminded me of it quite a few times. This one is just really polished. The create a character aspect is kinda cool and the interactions with all different characters in the hub world is a nice touch, but overall its not worth shelling out $60. Wait until it goes on sale.
Yeah its getting all these good reviews and fans are blowing the game's cock, but its just nothing all that special. Its enough to captivate you for like half an hour before you realize you've played this game already.
Very tactical and Rainbow Sixish.
Also so need to check out temple of Osiris. I have it just haven't played it yet.
Havent touched he'd the resident evil remake yet either
Kind of a cool look into the creation of recent Mario worlds