So Ive never really played the original Megaman games, despite how much I love the series. I mean Ive played through the first three, but I havent PLAYED THROUGH all of them, y'know what I mean?... Ive always prefered the X series (which I have played through all of, except for X8).
So my brother got me the Megaman Anniversary game on PS2. OG Megaman is by far the hardest game Ive played in a while.
The guy who designed the levels in Megaman is a sadist
Note: made it to Wiley's castle. There is a room with spikes on the ceiling and floor, and Im supposed to jump on these moving platforms that shoot at you. Only they're sitting too high. Been standing in one place for like 5 minutes.
Max Payne is fun. But that's the last series rockstar should be touching this gen. Red dead, bully, GTA or an original game is all they should be thinking about currently.
Its been completel removed for future purchase, so I cant buy it anymore.
So my brother got me the Megaman Anniversary game on PS2. OG Megaman is by far the hardest game Ive played in a while.
Note: made it to Wiley's castle. There is a room with spikes on the ceiling and floor, and Im supposed to jump on these moving platforms that shoot at you. Only they're sitting too high. Been standing in one place for like 5 minutes.