if shes wearing a flesh colored thing then why does it matter?
its sesame street. Plus you know how these conservative parents are, tits and ass on tv are bad, violence and blood and gore are aok
its ok to to put torture and shit like SAW on TV but T&A is unconscionable. this country is so fucked up
yeah it is, i was watching Hostel on SyFy, and from what i saw, it was shown uncut violence wise, but of course the bad words were muted, and the t&a was either blurred or deleted.
i do think that violence on TV needs to be tuned down a bit but a lil TA is harmless
agreed. these are the same people that went absolutly batshit crazy when janet jackson showed her tit for 2 seconds at the super bowl, so parents getting upset over Katy Perry's tits doesn't surprise me one bit
That's some bomb ass clevage if it overpowers the suit.