I don't understand how someone could be this retarded. After three minutes of waiting, you say fuck it and cut across when it's safe, or you cut your losses and make a right to get there some other way.
And Alameda is a neighborhood road... it's never crowded.
that lights got like 45 sec to change or im crossin lol 10 min
I got a ticket for not comin to a complete stop when making a right on red at 3am with noone in sight except a hidden cop. In jersey they'll ticket you for anything. In Philly you could go through a red light run over a paralyzed veteran while doing blow off a hookers ass and firing a gun out the window and the cops wouldn't even look. It's weird how different it is state to state.
We have certain intersections in town that wont change for shit in the late hours. My dads friend works for the city, and told me they are programmed that way bc of the low traffic flow late at night or in the early mornings. Then everything goes normal after 5am. Sometimes I would stop, then run them or go around..
The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.
a lot of intersections like that have pressure pads in the road to sense if there's a car waiting at a light, to make the light cycle. its legal in Illinois now for motorcycles to proceed when it's safe because they are not heavy enough to activate the light to change. there's an intersection near my house like that and my tiny Yaris won't change the light so I run it on a regular basis.
Sometimes I would stop, then run them or go around..
Fucking dying.