so you wanna talk shit about people who have memorial/children tattoos yet you have one that probably doesnt have significant meaning on your ass? hypocrisy, hypocrisy everywhere
Bianca why do you care what Ellie thinks? I mean who gives a fuck about anything she has to say after finding out the girl knowing his age masturbated on camera for him. It takes a fucked up mind to do that. She is no better than the child rapists you see getting put in jail all the time.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I have my wifes name on me, some stoopit shit across my chest, the cover of VDOP(signed by the band), a portrait of a couple huggin with guns behind eachothers backs, my own name(stoopit I know? Some crazy fire biohazard shit, brass knuckles, 13, let the riot begin,flowers, blood, some gay tribal shit all on me, AND I WANT MOARRRR!!!!
that's even worse
Hop off cock haters.
FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!