But I have no respect for a borderline whore with no respect for herself.
Low self esteem in my physical appearance. Completely different. I still have my dignity.
Erik, i'm not being stuck up. i'm actually still really confused as to why you'd let her cam for you and then proceed to call her a slut? you sound like a backstabber.
Why not? I'm not a backstabber. I'm as loyal as it gets to those I care about.
I just don't see why you're being childish and went and deleted me. I had no problem with you. You're being extremely stuck up, especially with the "You lose points from me." shit. Also, guess what? People talk shit to my friends all the time, I don't automatically hate them though because of it. Way too fucking defensive.
I just don't see why you're being childish and went and deleted me. I had no problem with you. You're being extremely stuck up, especially with the "You lose points from me." shit. Also, guess what? People talk shit to my friends all the time, I don't automatically hate them though because of it. Way too fucking defensive.
it's childish that you're mad about that so.. you finally won us all over and then you act like a turd. no one to blame but yourself. unlike you, i do give a fuck about my friends and i will defend them. internet or otherwise.
So me having a differing opinion from yours automatically means I lose respect from you? Who's the childish one here? And what point do you have at all with that last statement? I fucking love my true friends with all my heart and would die for them, doesn't mean I'm gonna automatically jump on someone at the drop of a hat the minute anyone says negative shit about them. So many people on here have talked shit about my best friend, Jamie, do I hate them for it? No. Did I delete them? No. My point exactly.
But I have no respect for a borderline whore with no respect for herself.
Low self esteem in my physical appearance. Completely different. I still have my dignity.
Erik, i'm not being stuck up. i'm actually still really confused as to why you'd let her cam for you and then proceed to call her a slut? you sound like a backstabber.
Why not? I'm not a backstabber. I'm as loyal as it gets to those I care about.
Not reading, not getting involved, but can we move this somewhere else, I expected a fuckload of funny pictures but all I see is blah blah blah and bullshit.
Not reading, not getting involved, but can we move this somewhere else, I expected a fuckload of funny pictures but all I see is blah blah blah and bullshit.
Low self esteem in my physical appearance. Completely different. I still have my dignity.
Why not? I'm not a backstabber. I'm as loyal as it gets to those I care about.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
The cleaning up is going to be hell, though.