don't worry I will be posting a thread closer to the date if its for sure...but my boy just bailed on me cuz he has to be up in travor city and my girlfriend and I might split so I will have anywhere between 2 or 3 extra tickets...I will know for sure on July 24th budday and will make the announcement about what tickets I have up for grabs.
because shes in Germany for 2 months and I haven't hear from her in like 3 weeks...just spent 30 dollers to express mail her a letter asking her wtf is hopefully will know soon but I will know for sure on the 24th cuz thats when she gets back to the
and shes actually my fiancee...iceing on the cake I asked her to marry me before she left...and if we do break up it will be 2 days before my birthday! but sol good...shit happens
meh not stressing katia said plenty of girls out there..hopefully she has a good reason but if not I will just verbally assult her...make her cry (I've never yelled at her but if we are breaking up it will make me feel better lol)...and move on
MOB MAN (money over bitches) lol