Seriously every team is in the mix trying to better their team except Detroit. Might as well ship the team to bumfuck Iowa since no one gives a rats ass about Detroit basketball anymore.
The offseason isn't over, you know. That is, unless all you care about is getting a big name player. I bet you want the Pistons to go after D-Wade too. 8-|
Rockets traded Lin for nothing
Chris Broussard getting torn to shreds everywhere
I would be surprised if this clown and his "sources" have a job by tomorrow.
ESPN got fucked in the ass. They spend all week talking and speculating about it, and then Sports Illustrated gets the scoop
All the anchors at ESPN didnt know how to react when they realized the story was already a few hours old
NOLA said:
Wiggins and Parker going at it right now. This is going to be a damn good rivalry when the season starts.
Ed's seriously upset that we didn't get Lin....
He sucks.
Dwyane Wade to the Bulls would be hilarious. They already have one star player who can't stay healthy, so why not get another one?
Seriously every team is in the mix trying to better their team except Detroit. Might as well ship the team to bumfuck Iowa since no one gives a rats ass about Detroit basketball anymore.
Melo and Dwade should've went to the Bulls
Yea I want no fucking part of Wade. And that's regardless of the fact that he's a Miami player. Too old and don't need another knee liability.
Still hope for Melo tho.
I'd be more irate than I am now if we got Wade. @JLRedWing13
Melo to the Knicks.