Stopped watching ESPN because everything became about Lebron. Breaking news, Aaron Hernandez has killed 5 guards and escaped from prison, but wait Lebron James just bought a new poodle.
Stopped watching ESPN because everything became about Lebron. Breaking news, Aaron Hernandez has killed 5 guards and escaped from prison, but wait Lebron James just bought a new poodle.
espn hates hockey..known fact...I never watch them clowns
Damn I hope the Pistons get their shit together. Watching when they dominated the Lakers in the finals and that's when people watched Detroit Basketball. People forgot all about the Pistons now and no one goes to the games.
I have ESPN. Not NBCSN. Kind of a problem when the NHL is on a niche channel.
I'm kinda curious how bad this years find ratings are gonna be
ESPN cuts off highlights of the hockey game just because LeBron and Wade are talking.....
The ratings system is a sham's a complete guess
Stopped watching ESPN because everything became about Lebron. Breaking news, Aaron Hernandez has killed 5 guards and escaped from prison, but wait Lebron James just bought a new poodle.
*Insert youtube video of Eyehategod's "White Nigger"*
Fuck you @Tim
espn hates hockey..known fact...I never watch them clowns
This game!!!!
gay as fuck
ky nba
Fuck boi's mad alright
Probably going to be the most watch Finals AGAIN. Can't wait. It's going to be another amazing series.
It's a good hire, why the sarcasm?
he mad