One game....remember the last time you won the first two against them?
You said the same thing about the Blazers like I said no Harden to bail them out and they have no rim protector in the paint. Did you not see the ass kicking abuse Duncan did to them in the paint?
Also I was talking about the Pistons getting shafted in the draft
the pistons dropped down from 8th to 9th. due to an old trade stipulation if they fell out of the top 8, they have to give their pick to the hornets. the guy they traded for only played for them like one year and is out of basketball now
One game....remember the last time you won the first two against them?
fuck I fm definitely hate Indians attitude more then I dislike the heat. Western conference [-O<
wow...corey magette...
You said the same thing about the Blazers
like I said no Harden to bail them out and they have no rim protector in the paint. Did you not see the ass kicking abuse Duncan did to them in the paint?
Also I was talking about the Pistons getting shafted in the draft
Yeah I had blacked that out until just now. Looks like Monroe is gonna get moved..,.maybe for a pic but hopefully somehow for love [-O<
:-< at least that ends the dumars era
20 years.... 3 championships...some awesome basketball...and ten years of mistakes
Ky joe d
need to get rid of Monore and Charlie "looks like a cancer patient" Villanueva. Also throw Josh Smith in there lol.
Wonder if stanny has magic :-?
Wow the Pistons did get hoed. Wowwwwwww the fuck?
what pick did they get
I need a good laugh
the pistons dropped down from 8th to 9th. due to an old trade stipulation if they fell out of the top 8, they have to give their pick to the hornets. the guy they traded for only played for them like one year and is out of basketball now
It was to shred salary
See last post about joe d killing himself
Shed salary and then use it on Smith right away
Good thing the draft is crazy deep this year. They could get a good player in the 2nd round.
Someone is getting moved for sure...Drummond is gonna be a beast doe 0
Mcgary Round 2 [-O<
Drummond can be the most dominate player in the league with the right setup.