I'm right here. I just don't like to say shit until the end of the series. I will say though, I was hoping that the Mavs would at least pull out 2 games from this series before it started lol
And fuck Sterling. He's been a known douchebag for years. Elgin Baylor said when he was GM, Sterling would show off his players like they were his slaves. I hope he gets ass cancer
The payoff games are pretty exciting
I just give zero about these teams
I'm right here. I just don't like to say shit until the end of the series. I will say though, I was hoping that the Mavs would at least pull out 2 games from this series before it started lol
my nigga coach Bud doing work in ATL \m/ good for him
If the Wizards hold on and beat the Bulls, the Hawks have a chance to make it to the conference championship
Wouldn't mind the Pistons picking up Vogel after he gets fired following this series.
idk much about this clipper story but liberal ass Espn was making him sound like hitler today lol it was a little much
Ky disagree
And fuck Sterling. He's been a known douchebag for years. Elgin Baylor said when he was GM, Sterling would show off his players like they were his slaves. I hope he gets ass cancer
He's prob a complete dbag but just the language they were using made me chuckle
Like it was one interns job that day to look up as many synonyms for despicable as possible lol
I love the part where he goes "I'm talking to the enemy right now"
Then stop fucking talking dumbass
Manu Ginobili is such a flopping dipshit
Not even one flopping warning this season
Webber, Miller, and Kerr are da bess
I couldn't believe the penetration Ellis got on that last play. To get that close and not make it has to suck ass