AUBURN HILLS, Mich. -- Joe Dumars tried to push the Detroit Pistons back toward the playoffs with a couple of big moves last offseason.
That didn't work, and now the Pistons will be hiring someone else to replace him.
Detroit has decided not to renew Dumars' contract as president of basketball operations, a person familiar with the situation told The Associated Press on Sunday. The person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the team has not made any announcement on Dumars' future, says Dumars will remain with the Pistons as an adviser.
Man this salty motherfucker can't let literally ANYTHING go. 8-|
You don't like Josh Smith. Anything else basketball related you'd actually like to add to this thread? Cause you got about 100 posts in here and they all about your disdain for Josh Smith.
Can't wait for the playoffs to start already. The west playoffs are going to be fucking insane this year with each team having a chance to make noise. Going to be the best playoffs in a very long time.
why is the nba letting Lebron wear "king James" on the back of his jersey...that's gay as fuck
Both teams wear jerseys with their nick name on the back not just him. It's a special jersey thing like the sleeve jerseys they wear 3 times a year.
that's pretty gay...but I guess ya gotta try and get people who already bought jerseys to buy them again somehow
The jerseys with sleeves look retarded
They're not, but the Latin Nights jersey, which has sleeves, is one of the dopest designs the Bulls have ever had.
was hoping he's come back but I knew stauskas was going pro...dude would probably be considered for the top pic if he was black
Thank god
AUBURN HILLS, Mich. -- Joe Dumars tried to push the Detroit Pistons back toward the playoffs with a couple of big moves last offseason.
That didn't work, and now the Pistons will be hiring someone else to replace him.
Detroit has decided not to renew Dumars' contract as president of basketball operations, a person familiar with the situation told The Associated Press on Sunday. The person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the team has not made any announcement on Dumars' future, says Dumars will remain with the Pistons as an adviser.
finally thinking smart. Damage has already been done though.
how is josh smith working out for you guys so far?
frustrated yet?
Man this salty motherfucker can't let literally ANYTHING go. 8-|
You don't like Josh Smith. Anything else basketball related you'd actually like to add to this thread? Cause you got about 100 posts in here and they all about your disdain for Josh Smith.
should call them the heffers
I think the entire roster was set up for failure this season...josh had a bad year but I'm not putting that on him
damn erik irate as fuck
Meanwhile no one gives a fuck about the east