He's a fucking beast on the court. Always had a blast being able to see him play in person, even if it was against my team, he's just so damn dominant.
Off the court, he's not as bad as people make him out to be IMO. I remember the hype that surrounded him, it was insane, but the dude has lived up to all of it and then some. 2 Finals losses? No problem, he'll go win two more and become Finals MVP for both of them. One of the greatest players this game has seen.
Im'ma give it straight about the Spurs. I never actually had a problem wit 'em, really only talked shit to troll Marc 'cause he gets annoying about that team some times, but I prolly do wit the Bulls too, so that's whatever. My one thing was that I didn't get how they still did it being so old. Before this series, I was just neutral on them. After this series, I both gained and lost respect for them, ultimately bringing them back to neutral. As far as the former, when they actually clicked, they played some of the most beautiful, calculated, brilliant basketball I ever seen, and even their young talent is great, Green and Leonard are monsters. As far as the latter, they completely CHOKED, starting wit Game 6. 28 seconds away from popping the champagne, and you piss it the fuck away. It was absolutely disgusting. After that shit, I knew it was over. Can't really make the clutch jokes about LeBron anymore, 'cause that's when he woke the fuck up as the Spurs fell the fuck asleep.
I see the networks are thrilled as well as the nba they got what they wanted. Come from behind win as well as being down in the series by the heat just to win it in game 7. Cash cow right there.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Off the court, he's not as bad as people make him out to be IMO. I remember the hype that surrounded him, it was insane, but the dude has lived up to all of it and then some. 2 Finals losses? No problem, he'll go win two more and become Finals MVP for both of them. One of the greatest players this game has seen.
Fuck LeBron and his bitch ass
0 for LeBron and the Heat