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My Curse

laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
edited August 2010 in Off Topic
I went to 2 concerts, Mayhem and Adler's Appetite, within a week of each other, and am going thru the after affects now. Nasty swelling on the left side of my face, jaw and neck. I am under doctors orders not to go to concerts anymore, because of different medical conditions i have. Just thought i would share:

Agoraphobia - mentioned this before. This goes along with anxiety to make me messed up when i go out in public. I need my own personal space. When i don't have it, i get very unfortable and agressive

Minears Disease - I have inner ear pressure that causes me to have Vertigo and dizzy spells. My head is a human barometer. Because of this i cannot wear headphones and be in any high pressure buildings / airplanes

TMJ - swelling in my jaw area occurs when i thrash or yell, which i do at concerts a lot

Allergies - I have really bad allergies, with make the TMJ, Minears and Agoraphobia worse

I was having some dizzy spells towards the end of Mayhem, but was fine for Adler's Appetite. Couple days later, left side of my face became extremely inflamed. My ear is tightened and i am having off and on dizzy spells. I am 5 days away from KISS, and am not planning on missing it.

Isn't this a fucking curse? A metalhead that has ear and neck problems after shows? Sucks bad....If i take the doctors advice and not go to shows anymore, i will live a very boring life


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