Dude that's awesome why wouldn't we care about it? I don't give a shit about synth but I think it's fucking dope that you're trying to do your own label and will make a purchase and just donate it to a synth fan lol
Oh okay I got ya, I thought you were saying we wouldn't give a fuck about your endeavors and I'm like dude nahh we got you with that support lol Erik's music ain't my thing at all but I'ma still cop an album
what exactly will you be doing with a vinyl record label? I think thats awesome and good luck, i am just kind of not sure what it is that is involved. Like are you outsourcing the pressing of the vinyl, and then handling the stamp/shipping/art in other ways?
i also don't know shit about vinyl so my questions may seem stupid AF
Synthwave is a weird genre. 95% of the artists are independent and recoding from home. They dont go the local metal band route and grind hometown shows to gain popularity. Its purely online. So someone can have thousands of album sales and millions of streams for very little cost to host the album on the streaming platforms.
Physical releases however do cost more money. Cassettes and CDs are pretty reasonable and doable (Ask MC) but vinyl is pretty expensive. A run of 300 is anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000 bucks. A lot of artists are either scared to put that money up or cant afford it despite their popularity.
So as a vinyl label i would just be the money man and the responsible party. I fund the project, the artist gets a fair cut, I take care of getting the album pressed by a plant and shipping and the posters and stickers and all that.
Got the motherlode today boys. 2 packages. 198XAD by Megadrive which is a top 5 darksynth record of all time, plus some Lazerpunk, Protector 101, and Starfounder
Fuuuuck this dude on the vinyl synthwave group posted a picture of his fucked up record that UPS dropped off to him, record is basically bent in half. And in one of the photos his digital download card was sticking out of the sleeve and someone snagged his code )))))))))))))))))))))
Fuuuuck this dude on the vinyl synthwave group posted a picture of his fucked up record that UPS dropped off to him, record is basically bent in half. And in one of the photos his digital download card was sticking out of the sleeve and someone snagged his code )))))))))))))))))))))
i also don't know shit about vinyl so my questions may seem stupid AF
Physical releases however do cost more money. Cassettes and CDs are pretty reasonable and doable (Ask MC) but vinyl is pretty expensive. A run of 300 is anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000 bucks. A lot of artists are either scared to put that money up or cant afford it despite their popularity.
So as a vinyl label i would just be the money man and the responsible party. I fund the project, the artist gets a fair cut, I take care of getting the album pressed by a plant and shipping and the posters and stickers and all that.
As a local metal artist, its financial suicide.
But as a synth artist, easy money
Mine comes in tomorrow.
Thats such a dick move but I'm screaming