Warbringer doesn't have shit on Municipal live or in studio. Don't kid yourselves.
I love Warbringer, but MW is just better. It also helps that they have their own sound rather than using the sound of a band who's been defunct since 94.
False. The only time Municipal sounds like ST is when Tony does cleans on the new album.
Iron & Wine - Creek Drank Cradle The Haunted - Revolver Tocotronic - Kapitulation Red Fang - Red Fang Agalloch - The Mantle Thenewno2 - You Are Here *shels - Sea of the Dying Dhow
Iron & Wine - Creek Drank Cradle The Haunted - Revolver Tocotronic - Kapitulation Red Fang - Red Fang Agalloch - The Mantle Thenewno2 - You Are Here *shels - Sea of the Dying Dhow
Iron & Wine - Creek Drank Cradle The Haunted - Revolver Tocotronic - Kapitulation Red Fang - Red Fang Agalloch - The Mantle Thenewno2 - You Are Here *shels - Sea of the Dying Dhow
Although Red Fang and The Mantle are good, I wouldn't consider either to be some of the best of that decade. Ashes Against The Grain is definitely up there though.
Warbringer stole DH's sound, plain and simple.
primitive - soulfly (always just really loved this album)
too many...really have to say best album for distinct genre of rock...
The Blackening - Machinehead
Accelerated Evolution - Devy
idk, prolly ten more I can't think of right now at work....
.....oh yeah, these dudes suck....
The Haunted - Revolver
Tocotronic - Kapitulation
Red Fang - Red Fang
Agalloch - The Mantle
Thenewno2 - You Are Here
*shels - Sea of the Dying Dhow
Also, this list > nola's list.