Ray rice was a legit top three pic last year. He crashed and burned. Between him and Julio jones and gronkowski would have been healthy things def world have been different.
it was a different league setup. Must I remind you that I beat your ass three times in my first year? It's called using your resources. Something jake did last year and you didn't.
Our teams accomplished the same thing. You sound like a cowboys fan. Only person who can say shit is jake cause he won. Iv done what you did every year but one year. Drafts this week. Talk shit get shot
I would have had a chance at jake if his players didn't play complete poverty defenses. Fucking jamaal Charles had 13 points in ten seconds. Disgusting.
Our teams accomplished the same thing. You sound like a cowboys fan. Only person who can say shit is jake cause he won. Iv done what you did every year but one year. Drafts this week. Talk shit get shot
Also your fault for picking glass gronk. Vernon Davis was dat nigga last year.
Pick better.
the new kids on the block will be back.
todd vs me ship confirmed
would have been if we didn't play in the semis. Had more points than Marc and whoever he beat that week.
I had a bunch of injuries and I won
>drafted like an idiot
>ran through almost everyone
First time jake and I played it took him his last player to beat me and he only won by 3.
you got lucky as fuck
Wish I still had the texts of you asking me for advice in your draft a couple weeks ago
it was a different league setup. Must I remind you that I beat your ass three times in my first year? It's called using your resources. Something jake did last year and you didn't.
Rather be lucky than have a shitty season.
just kicked Todd out of the league. You want his spot Erik?
You go 8-8 last year? One more win and I would have given you half your losses. I wouldn't want me in either.
You don't even play 16 games
or 7-7 or how many fuck games there are
6-6 who gives a fuck. So maybe I did give you half your loses
still made the playoffs so 0
Our teams accomplished the same thing. You sound like a cowboys fan. Only person who can say shit is jake cause he won. Iv done what you did every year but one year. Drafts this week. Talk shit get shot
drive here and shoot me. Oh wait you can't.
I wouldn't go to Iowa for anything. Not even tool
I would have had a chance at jake if his players didn't play complete poverty defenses. Fucking jamaal Charles had 13 points in ten seconds. Disgusting.
you over there bragging about making the playoffs every year but you ain't won shit
Reminds me of the eagles.
It was a joke you fuck
Sounds like one. Uirate.