Yeah Gary def gets in over Erik cause Erik is paper as fuck and the second his team sucks he will jump ship and not edit lineups.
Tks but no thanks..I asked you bitches for the last FOUR fucking years to let me play..FOUR years..not three..not two but ignored me....put Erik in and let him mess your league up..Tks but no thanks
I'm in.
Apes out so we have a spot
@EpisodeElevator step up nigga
Yeah Gary def gets in over Erik cause Erik is paper as fuck and the second his team sucks he will jump ship and not edit lineups.
So the draft is August 27 :!!
what time?
8's flexible
Can you do the draft through mobile/the app?
I think so
Alright. I'm good then.
Yeah. If you do keepers it should only be 1
Tks but no thanks..I asked you bitches for the last FOUR fucking years to let me play..FOUR years..not three..not two but ignored me....put Erik in and let him mess your league up..Tks but no thanks
there wasnt any spots you dumb fuck
Gary prob sucks at fantasy anyway
Holy shit
Every person i let in was literally waiting longer than you. Except for Todd but he's my boy so he had dibs.
And pretty sure it's only been 2-3 years cause we had one year at 10 teams cause we couldn't get enough people
Also Erik isn't getting in period