Rex, I'm not in your league, but if I were you, I would just decide on a date and whoever can make it can make it. It's not the end of the world if not everyone makes the draft. If you listen to everyone else and try and make a time where everyone can make it, you will never draft. Half the people who say they will be there for the draft won't be anyway.
Lol. Anyway with free agents you should be able to live through the thursday game without picking someone up. Hell you should be able to get through week one. Love with the team you pick in the draft for one week
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
True, but most of the time I never show up for my online drafts, so I usually end up with like 4 kickers and 1 QB and my top 2 receivers are Terrell Owens and Sam Hurd
Unless I do it in person at a bar or something, I can almost guarantee I will never do it, unless one of them happens while I'm at work or something. I can't just sit around on the computer for 3 hours at home.
ok how does every one feel about 8 pm next tuesday? Positions lock based on when the player in the position plays so free agents will not be a problem....if this doesn't work i will have to set a date and who ever can be there will be there i guess
ok how does every one feel about 8 pm next tuesday? Positions lock based on when the player in the position plays so free agents will not be a problem....if this doesn't work i will have to set a date and who ever can be there will be there i guess
Anyway we could push it too 8:15 or 8:30? I'm right out of work at 8.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
ok how does every one feel about 8 pm next tuesday? Positions lock based on when the player in the position plays so free agents will not be a problem....if this doesn't work i will have to set a date and who ever can be there will be there i guess
its really given me an idea on who I want on my fantasy team