I'm glad it went over pretty chill. One of the last times I was here, Slap game out as non binary or something and everybody said he was so cucked he started pandering to get attention from women lol
Rest assured this is all me and I'm also still a devout lover of the gushy gushy wet wet.
That's because he was a giant hypocrite and fell in line with the "if you disagree with me you're racist/sexist/bigoted/homophobic" crowd. There was a point where a couple gay jokes were made or memes posted in the meme thread and he would jump on em and say how homophobia isn't funny and that whoever posted was probably a bigot even though it was just a joke. It wasn't enough to just accept the changes he was making in life, we also had to think like him otherwise we were probably secretly homophobic or a bigot. He just started being extra triggered by everything
I mean....that’s most of the LGBT community. They TRY to be offended and make themselves targets. 🤷🏻♂️
Idk. Honestly, most gay people I've met in real life hate the infinite genders shit and even don't think to fondly of transgender people. I think it's just an issue of all these retards virtue signaling and being offended on behalf of others.
Like many things in life, it's a toxic minority that gets all the attention and crafts this negative perception.
Related though, I don't like Old Town Road at all but lil Nas x is fucking rolling with the punches on Twitter after coming out lol
There's another toxic part of a greater community. Communities? Cause it's like country folk and your rap community with so many dudes so uncomfortable with their own sexuality that not only do they suddenly have to stop listening to this artist but also fucking trash him lol
Agree. Unfortunately the toxic minority speak the loudest in almost all situations. I just try not to generalize people. Most LGBT people I've met have been cool. One was a real piece of shit but that doesn't mean they all are. I only hated one other person in the LGBT community that I've met but that's because he was a dick not because he was gay lol regardless of what I think of a community or anything, I just deal with everything from personal experience not generalization. Or at least I try. Unfortunately, it's human nature to generalize but while I think the infinite genders stuff is absolutely ridiculous that doesn't mean I'd not talk to a person who believes in all that and write them off as an idiot without getting to know them.
There was also Erik calling everyone neanderthal metalheads and everyone calling Erik gay for listening to r&b and getting really in to fashion.
Seeing that he oddly just popped up made me wanna say so was telling India a couple weeks ago that I remember back when everyone was giving him shit for being so in to fashion while we were almost all then and probably many still cargo shorts n black shirts. Not that here's anything wrong with that but in hindsight I also see now that there was nothing wrong with what he was doing.
I honestly don't know enough about the gender shit myself to talk about it. I do know I got to a shit load of shows these days with a gen z heavy crowd with tons of queer folk that claim to be non binary or one thing or another but everyone always just wants to be happy and see other people happy. But that is also in that specific environment.
There was also Erik calling everyone neanderthal metalheads and everyone calling Erik gay for listening to r&b and getting really in to fashion.
Seeing that he oddly just popped up made me wanna say so was telling India a couple weeks ago that I remember back when everyone was giving him shit for being so in to fashion while we were almost all then and probably many still cargo shorts n black shirts. Not that here's anything wrong with that but in hindsight I also see now that there was nothing wrong with what he was doing.
It had less to do with what he was doing than how he was doing it though. Same with Slap. It was the constantly either being judgemental or aggressive and in your face and over the top with no chill that rubs people the wrong way with shit.
There was also Erik calling everyone neanderthal metalheads and everyone calling Erik gay for listening to r&b and getting really in to fashion.
Seeing that he oddly just popped up made me wanna say so was telling India a couple weeks ago that I remember back when everyone was giving him shit for being so in to fashion while we were almost all then and probably many still cargo shorts n black shirts. Not that here's anything wrong with that but in hindsight I also see now that there was nothing wrong with what he was doing.
It had less to do with what he was doing than how he was doing it though. Same with Slap. It was the constantly either being judgemental or aggressive and in your face and over the top with no chill that rubs people the wrong way with shit.
I would literally post a picture or talk about hats or shoes I like or whatever the fuck and all that would be said is how I want 3 hard cocks shoved up my ass.
friends and i watched eddie murphys "delirious" from 83. holy shit, 1.5 min in and you realize how much comedy times have changed. this shit would get him ostracized instantly nowadays.
starts out his first joke with "faggots atent allowed to look at my ass while im on stage" and goes on about that for like 10 min before going into talking about hitting women. jesus christ, donkey ))
Related though, I don't like Old Town Road at all but lil Nas x is fucking rolling with the punches on Twitter after coming out lol
There's another toxic part of a greater community. Communities? Cause it's like country folk and your rap community with so many dudes so uncomfortable with their own sexuality that not only do they suddenly have to stop listening to this artist but also fucking trash him lol
Seeing that he oddly just popped up made me wanna say so was telling India a couple weeks ago that I remember back when everyone was giving him shit for being so in to fashion while we were almost all then and probably many still cargo shorts n black shirts. Not that here's anything wrong with that but in hindsight I also see now that there was nothing wrong with what he was doing.
It had less to do with what he was doing than how he was doing it though. Same with Slap. It was the constantly either being judgemental or aggressive and in your face and over the top with no chill that rubs people the wrong way with shit.
But yes I was aggressive and judgmental lmaoooo.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
starts out his first joke with "faggots atent allowed to look at my ass while im on stage" and goes on about that for like 10 min before going into talking about hitting women. jesus christ, donkey