We had a storm blow through earlier (microburst just north of here, hail, 60 mph winds, etc). It was also 80+ degrees today. Honestly, at this point, I think the internet has fried my friends brain so much that he's seeing shit that isn't there 👀
That dude is going to end up killing himself or getting himself killed trying to infiltrate a government building in attempts to make all their secrets known
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
He's gonna be single af too if he'll break it off with someone that looked at someone else. He called it "makin eyes" lmao. Shit's wack. His shitty ex completely ruined him (was emotionally abusive, broke his shit, accused him of cheating all the time, he wasn't able to see his friends or go anywhere/do anything, keeps his son away from him 95% of the time, etc). He also won't take her to court over custody so him bitching about her keeping his son from him is kind of irritating for multiple reasons
I've found out that Baltimore can turn from cute awesome seaside city to ghetto shit hole in about 3 seconds flat. Do not turn down the wrong street here, jesus...
"Looking at legitimate science"..yeah, sure buddy. Conspiracy YouTube and obscure websites are 100% the best source for all your science facts and needs
I'm pretty sure I own a Suffocation shirt somewhere that I bought from a tour they were on in 2009. But I can't find it so now I'm not so sure I ever had it in the first place 😂
All I remember about it is there was lyrics (I think) on the back and their logo at the bottom. I also think the front art was bluish. I hardly wore it and I don't think i took it with me anywhere either. So idk what happened to it
Been slow at work so I've been winding people up for fun. One bobcat driver is super protective of his machine because it's new and he gets mad if other people use it because people don't take care of shit. He locks it and hides the key, but it's not the only key lol. Me and the first shift guy have been randomly sticking empty pop bottles in it and moving the seat up to make home think people have been in there. Eventually we left a soup can in there and he figured out that it must be the second shift guy because he is the one that eats a can of soup everyday. Now the bobcat driver is all worked up and hatching plans to prank the second shift guy back.
MDF is amazing btw, but might just be a day too long. I'm dying over here.