He was gonna give me a hundred for a half oz. I told him snag me posters instead. He never sent anything, promised better posters, then went ghost. Also, if I had to guess, the poster he did offer up he probably bought for himself as well and was just willing to part with it later on because it was butt.
Really happy with myself. I've been doing amateure comedy stuff for years (sketch, voice over etc). One thing I've been wanting to do for years that i didn't have the balls to do was stand up, at least until tonight. I got bumped a couple times because a couple people missed their cues then came back, so I wish I got to go on when the crowd was bigger, but nonetheless. It was nice just getting the experience. It was my first time ever so there's definitely stuff that needs fine tuning but I got alot of props afterwards and way more laughs than I expected. Really happy I finally got up there, I was nervous as fuck.
.... ya
..... ....ah retarded prince
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)