>september >NIN tour opening night is same night as YOB/Acid king >ithurtssomuchbutidoitfortrent.mov >day of >yob/acid king cancel >"so sorry az... we will be back!" >everythingturnedoutbetterthanexpected.jpg >be tonight >broke as fuck till midnight when i get paid >eyehategod playing at same venue >feelsbadman.png >eyehategod cancel >everythingturnedoutbetterthanexpected.jpg
You have nothing to lose here so you are envious, not jealous.
>NIN tour opening night is same night as YOB/Acid king
>day of
>yob/acid king cancel
>"so sorry az... we will be back!"
>be tonight
>broke as fuck till midnight when i get paid
>eyehategod playing at same venue
>eyehategod cancel
How long for and where are you visiting ?