Some 20 year old dude here stole a vehicle and a gun today, crashed the car into a local business or two, stole another ride, tried to rob some lady, took a shot at a cop and got lit up for his trouble.
The whitest girl on the planet told me that I, wanting to learn more Spanish, so that I can understand my co workers better, is culture appropriation. lol
The whitest girl on the planet told me that I, wanting to learn more Spanish, so that I can understand my co workers better, is culture appropriation. lol
Despite what most middle class white girls would have you think, most minorities actually enjoy and embrace when others partake, enjoy, and learn about their customs, culture, and languages.
The whitest girl on the planet told me that I, wanting to learn more Spanish, so that I can understand my co workers better, is culture appropriation. lol
Ask her how she feels about this...
Dont like how you throwing my man Pharrell in there with those chumps.
I don't care about any of them. I'm not even mad at them. I just get irritated when people go on about cultural appropriation when metal and punk styles are so blatantly being plundered by hip hop culture right now. I'm always like "STFU! Who cares?!"
Got two random chicks' numbers tonight. Pretty sure they're lesbians so I'm gonna have to work my magic and get them to commit to a threesome for experience and what not. As always, Let's see where this goes.
The concept of cultural appropriation is retarded. Culture is fluid, not static, especially in a country like the USA which is essentially a melting pot.
The concept of cultural appropriation is retarded. Culture is fluid, not static, especially in a country like the USA which is essentially a melting pot.
Fuck identity politics.
they shud revoke citizenship for jews like you doe
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
The concept of cultural appropriation is retarded. Culture is fluid, not static, especially in a country like the USA which is essentially a melting pot.
Fuck identity politics.
The funny part is the only people crying cultural appropriation are American born minority kids.
If I asked my mexican born grandmother if she gives a shit that white people like to eat elote and dress in Sombreros for halloween, she would say no. Same goes for almost any culture. In my eyes, its almost disrespectful to claim cultural appropriation when your ancestors who came to America and faced actual hardships would have fucking loved for some Americans to be interested in their culture, food, fashion, etc.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Fuck identity politics.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Its a cesspool of virtue signallers and witch hunts
If I asked my mexican born grandmother if she gives a shit that white people like to eat elote and dress in Sombreros for halloween, she would say no. Same goes for almost any culture. In my eyes, its almost disrespectful to claim cultural appropriation when your ancestors who came to America and faced actual hardships would have fucking loved for some Americans to be interested in their culture, food, fashion, etc.