>doing personal finance stuff >calculations n shit >coming up over 500 short >"where the fuck did 500 bucks just randomly go" >look back on tramsaction history >seemslegit.jpg >what the fuck >ask friend if I ever loaned him anything while drunk >negative >ask other friend if i loaned her anything major while drunk in the past year >also negative (i trust these two completely) >what in the fuck >HOW AM I COMING UP 500 BUCKS SHORT >remember that I paid the last months rent amount up front last year when I signed lease >$515 >MASSIVE FUCKING SIGH OF RELIEF
I don’t get anyone saying any one band from that tour stole the show. Every band on our date was fucking phenomenal. Only one that lacked was anthrax very slightly because joeys mic was a bit quiet
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Hard disagree to both. Behemoth and Testament were my favorites. Probably because I've seen LOG and Anthrax so damn much and it's the same set every time.
I think the most remarkable thing about both the shows I saw was how upbeat and silly D Randall Blythe was, especially here in Atlanta. I hadn’t seen LoG since Unholy Alliance in 06, and it was surprising how much they’ve evolved into an arena band
I think the most remarkable thing about both the shows I saw was how upbeat and silly D Randall Blythe was, especially here in Atlanta. I hadn’t seen LoG since Unholy Alliance in 06, and it was surprising how much they’ve evolved into an arena band
That's good to hear :-? Haven't seen LOG since 2012 but my favorite version of them is still 2006 LOG. they were blowing everyone away when they were support on tours cause of how hungry they were to prove themselves.
Smoke a fat one
>calculations n shit
>coming up over 500 short
>"where the fuck did 500 bucks just randomly go"
>look back on tramsaction history
>what the fuck
>ask friend if I ever loaned him anything while drunk
>ask other friend if i loaned her anything major while drunk in the past year
>also negative (i trust these two completely)
>what in the fuck
>remember that I paid the last months rent amount up front last year when I signed lease
I neeeeed one.