What would you do if you end up dating one of these girls, maintain a relationship, decide a couple/few years down the road you want to get married, and on your wedding night after everything is said and done, she asks you to eat her booty like cheerios?
What would you do if you end up dating one of these girls, maintain a relationship, decide a couple/few years down the road you want to get married, and on your wedding night after everything is said and done, she asks you to eat her booty like cheerios?
Will never forget how Nick posted a youtube video saying it was him drumming but it was some youtube drummer named JoeyJr. That shit still kills me ) ) ) ) ) )
Will never forget how Nick posted a youtube video saying it was him drumming but it was some youtube drummer named JoeyJr. That shit still kills me ) ) ) ) ) )
I get friend requests from a few of those people but don’t know who they are