This chick that’s been over to our place before just walked in out of no where last night and I was the only one up. We played mortal kombat for hours fuck I was feeling her. Two kids and a husband though, pretty sure it’s like an open relationship.
Get out while you can. Women are fucking expensive.
Lesson I taught my son... Broke hoes are a no-no.
Speaking of this. That chick wanted to spend the weekend with just me since im gonna be out of town scapading the next couple weekends. .so we are doing a little getaway thing and SHE paid for the hotel.
Get out while you can. Women are fucking expensive.
Lesson I taught my son... Broke hoes are a no-no.
Speaking of this. That chick wanted to spend the weekend with just me since im gonna be out of town scapading the next couple weekends. .so we are doing a little getaway thing and SHE paid for the hotel.
Hows that for being a cuck Mc? Suck my wank.
Cool, enjoy fathering her kid faggot
A kid she made with another man, because she got fucked repeatedly by another man. Enjoy that visual cuck
Lesson I taught my son... Broke hoes are a no-no.
A friend of your moms ?
A chick with 5 kids?
A meth/crack head ?
A 15 year old?
>mfw could slept another hour
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Hows that for being a cuck Mc? Suck my wank.
A kid she made with another man, because she got fucked repeatedly by another man. Enjoy that visual cuck
and he scores
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Her words were "don't let me get too drunk, i don't want to just fall asleep on you"