One of the best fucks I’ve ever had was with Mastodon’s The Hunter playing. One of the craziest was when I had a foursome to the sounds of Slayer’s Diabolus in Musica
We have the cards against humanity 90's nostalgia pack and "Log" was one of the answers. My youngest kid didn't know what it meant, so when he asked I started singing the song. We then looked it up on YouTube.
He has now started asking people if they know about Log, because he noticed if he asks about it to any of my friends their first response is to sign the song also. He finds it funny that everyone just knows the words and has an automatic urge to sign the damn song.
What rolls down stairs
alone or in pairs,
and over your neighbor's dog?
What's great for a snack,
And fits on your back?
It's log, log, log
One of the best fucks I’ve ever had was with Mastodon’s The Hunter playing. One of the craziest was when I had a foursome to the sounds of Slayer’s Diabolus in Musica
Damn, Vegas just put up a poster of a few apc dates in 2010. Three nights in a row at the marquee theater in a Tempe(venue Alex always goes to). I wish I could kill him myself. I’m sure you’ve missed some great ones.
One of the best fucks I’ve ever had was with Mastodon’s The Hunter playing. One of the craziest was when I had a foursome to the sounds of Slayer’s Diabolus in Musica
woman who won 500 mil powerball is throwin a bitch fit wants to collect annonouncemently state wont let her, someone needs to tell hey stupid bitch its a half billion dollars who cares your names in the paper collect it and go to Barbados
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Rumors going around of a "20 years of System Of A Down" stint in the fall (20th anniversary if ST album) with them play 2 night in a handful of cities playing either Self Titled + Toxicity or Mezerize/Hypnotize in full. From what I'm hearing it sounds like NY, LA, Chicago, Orlando, San Antonio etc.
Nice Guy Devin.
He has now started asking people if they know about Log, because he noticed if he asks about it to any of my friends their first response is to sign the song also. He finds it funny that everyone just knows the words and has an automatic urge to sign the damn song.
What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs, and over your neighbor's dog? What's great for a snack, And fits on your back? It's log, log, log
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)