I'm at peace with Slayer being done but it's one of those things you think will never happen. They toured every year, like clockwork, and even if their latest album was junk and they lost half the original band and Tom couldn't headbang any more, it didn't make the shows any less fun. It's fucking Slayer.
Agreed bro. They ALWAYS put on a kick ass show. That line up is tasty as fuck tho
For two weeks now I've been on the new schedule of working 5am-9am Monday through Friday and then being at school noon till 8pm. I'm sort of used to it but goddamn I was a zombie walking today
14 (!) users got the 8th anniversary badge in the last few days. You have to log in to get it so all of them are active users. Erik got it so I guess he still lurks.... :-?
Fucking Vegas, man.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
>walk down steps with heavy shit
>miss step
>roll ankle
>try to catch balance and go into wall