y'all must have a shitty metal scene then. or maybe you just don't listen to the right bands? idk. only band from Chicago I know that goes in is Nucleus.
y'all must have a shitty metal scene then. or maybe you just don't listen to the right bands? idk. only band from Chicago I know that goes in is Nucleus.
Ive never even heard of them.
But everyone I know in the scene (which is a lot of people) are all discussing how metal is dead right now.
Thrash is Chicago's biggest genre. And the big thrash bands are more interested in exploring synthwave and attempting synth projects, or are changing direction and going the hardcore route. We've realized we cant even fill small venues anymore without having a stacked lineup, and a lot of people are becoming very discouraged
y'all must have a shitty metal scene then. or maybe you just don't listen to the right bands? idk. only band from Chicago I know that goes in is Nucleus.
Ive never even heard of them.
But everyone I know in the scene (which is a lot of people) are all discussing how metal is dead right now.
Thrash is Chicago's biggest genre. And the big thrash bands are more interested in exploring synthwave and attempting synth projects, or are changing direction and going the hardcore route. We've realized we cant even fill small venues anymore without having a stacked lineup, and a lot of people are becoming very discouraged
Nucleus are a really good death metal band. Sci-fi themes. And idk maybe you're just in the wrong scene. Cuz I know jag plays in bands and seems to play cool gigs when he's in a band. Nucleus plays cool gigs for sure. Like are y'all really playing in chicago or lame ass suburbs outside the area? Not that I know your situation, but it's like somebody could say the bay area metal scene sucks because their thrash/groove/metalcore band with no connection to a scene can't get good gigs in sf or oakland and plays shitty shows in south bay and the peninsula. but if you're playing black, doom, sludge, or death metal, are visible in the scene and make good music, chances are you're gonna play lots of good shows in any major city in the bay.
that's a tight name. wish I liked the music more. not bad tho.
Tbh even though I love RT, Idk if I'd truly claim that Since their pinnacle days were in the 90's. I do enjoy their new shit tho, and they have an important message behind their music. Andy from FOB is their drummer lol, with other members from Earth Crisis and Cursed. Bands like them and Sect are fairly important in today's time. Ill have to check out Nucleus.
yeah I'm watching a hate5six vid of their set. it sounds cooler in a live context. it's a lot of chugga chugga riffs which I'm not hot on all the time but it's heavy and I like the dissonant stuff. and yeah I def fuck with their message.
y'all must have a shitty metal scene then. or maybe you just don't listen to the right bands? idk. only band from Chicago I know that goes in is Nucleus.
Ive never even heard of them.
But everyone I know in the scene (which is a lot of people) are all discussing how metal is dead right now.
Thrash is Chicago's biggest genre. And the big thrash bands are more interested in exploring synthwave and attempting synth projects, or are changing direction and going the hardcore route. We've realized we cant even fill small venues anymore without having a stacked lineup, and a lot of people are becoming very discouraged
Nucleus are a really good death metal band. Sci-fi themes. And idk maybe you're just in the wrong scene. Cuz I know jag plays in bands and seems to play cool gigs when he's in a band. Nucleus plays cool gigs for sure. Like are y'all really playing in chicago or lame ass suburbs outside the area? Not that I know your situation, but it's like somebody could say the bay area metal scene sucks because their thrash/groove/metalcore band with no connection to a scene can't get good gigs in sf or oakland and plays shitty shows in south bay and the peninsula. but if you're playing black, doom, sludge, or death metal, are visible in the scene and make good music, chances are you're gonna play lots of good shows in any major city in the bay.
The suburbs legit has no scene anymore. When my band broke up, we were it. Its kind of weird.
All the bands I know and talk to are in and play in Chicago. Never heard of Racetraitor either. Nobody in Chicago talks about the bands you have mentioned.
Reign, Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre, Savagery, Predator, Misanthropy, Murder Capital, Blood of the Wolf, God Dementia, Bad Blood... Those are the bands I see people throw around. And they cant fill shows without stacked lineups, or they always open for touring acts.
Jag hasnt been in a band in years. Brians old back Smash Potater just played their last show. Diamond Plate is done.
We had a venue called The Fallout which used to be a punk/thrash heaven. It was a DIY spot. The owners sold it to some hipsters, and now its become a indie hipster shit spot, with an occasional metal show. The only other major DIY spot is Jurassic Park, but nobody likes playing or going there because 325 Crew (a hardcore gang) hang there, and are known to seriously hurt people in crowd killing attacks, and jump people after shows
it's funny you don't know the bands from your city that are actually known on the internet lol. well idk bro. Maybe there's just not a scene for thrash any more. maybe chicago just sucks. Look up Nucleus tho and check out the shows they're doing in the area. cuz they play with bands that are well known in the underground extreme metal world. I think there's still shit happening for death/black and grind stuff but since you're not really into those styles you just don't know?
also brian is playing a new grind band called Melting Rot.
But everyone I know in the scene (which is a lot of people) are all discussing how metal is dead right now.
Thrash is Chicago's biggest genre. And the big thrash bands are more interested in exploring synthwave and attempting synth projects, or are changing direction and going the hardcore route. We've realized we cant even fill small venues anymore without having a stacked lineup, and a lot of people are becoming very discouraged
Nucleus are a really good death metal band. Sci-fi themes. And idk maybe you're just in the wrong scene. Cuz I know jag plays in bands and seems to play cool gigs when he's in a band. Nucleus plays cool gigs for sure. Like are y'all really playing in chicago or lame ass suburbs outside the area? Not that I know your situation, but it's like somebody could say the bay area metal scene sucks because their thrash/groove/metalcore band with no connection to a scene can't get good gigs in sf or oakland and plays shitty shows in south bay and the peninsula. but if you're playing black, doom, sludge, or death metal, are visible in the scene and make good music, chances are you're gonna play lots of good shows in any major city in the bay.
I like Manowar
But they were never worth $1800 euro (nz $3500) for a VIP package
World tour = northern europe .....fucking wankers
re: racetraitor. givvz a fukk about manowar
All the bands I know and talk to are in and play in Chicago. Never heard of Racetraitor either. Nobody in Chicago talks about the bands you have mentioned.
Reign, Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre, Savagery, Predator, Misanthropy, Murder Capital, Blood of the Wolf, God Dementia, Bad Blood... Those are the bands I see people throw around. And they cant fill shows without stacked lineups, or they always open for touring acts.
Jag hasnt been in a band in years. Brians old back Smash Potater just played their last show. Diamond Plate is done.
We had a venue called The Fallout which used to be a punk/thrash heaven. It was a DIY spot. The owners sold it to some hipsters, and now its become a indie hipster shit spot, with an occasional metal show. The only other major DIY spot is Jurassic Park, but nobody likes playing or going there because 325 Crew (a hardcore gang) hang there, and are known to seriously hurt people in crowd killing attacks, and jump people after shows
also brian is playing a new grind band called Melting Rot.
If youre not DIY in Chicago, youre nobody