Certain things cross a line. Lost Prophets I enjoyed listening to when I was younger but it fucking sickens and pisses me off what that piece of shit did. I don't even like mentioning that I've seen them live.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I dont think its right or wrong, I just think it has to do with how you view music. Some people view music as white noise thats on in the background while they drive or work out. I could see those people not giving a fuck who makes the music they listen to. But to people that get super involved in the scene and view music as an expression of art and an extension of the artist, yeah they're not going to want to support shitbags.
I 100% can separate art from artist. I still listen to Burzum. I still play Shaffer and Jaffe games. I recently bought and played through Harvester, despite that lead actor also getting caught with child porn. The Lost Prophets suck though.
I 100% can separate art from artist. I still listen to Burzum. I still play Shaffer and Jaffe games. I recently bought and played through Harvester, despite that lead actor also getting caught with child porn. The Lost Prophets suck though.
That said when a person's actions or beliefs become their art, I usually reject it.
I 100% can separate art from artist. I still listen to Burzum. I still play Shaffer and Jaffe games. I recently bought and played through Harvester, despite that lead actor also getting caught with child porn. The Lost Prophets suck though.
Lostptophets was just my example because of the conversation I had. I think Burzum is a joke, personally. But I won't deny the first record's magnitude. I don't listen to the band, though. Varg is just a dumbass. I just can't support anything made by paedophiles/rapists.
The only artist I can think of that ever gives me a moral dilemma is Anselmo. I never liked AILD or lostprophets, so it's always been easy to shrug them off.
Part of it to that I ask myself is if the crime is something forgiveable. As shitty as what Tim did is no one ended up hurt and he served time for it to me that's forgiveable. Ian is absolutely not forgiveable and I hope someone cuts his dick off in prison.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Phil has a taste for filthy riffs that I've always found admirable. At one time, he had one of the best voices in metal, too. But he's an addict, and it's clearly effected his social life. 75% of his interviews since about '95 have been cringy. He's almost always smacked out or drunk. He also can't seem to admit when he's done something stupid and his evolving excuses make it even worse
Vinnie is a cheeseball, but after what he endured whatching his brother get shot in front of him like that, I can't blame him for wanting to play music a little more mainstream to avoid having to do the hole-in-the-wall circuit anymore. And honestly, after everything Anselmo squandered for Pantera and all the dumb shit Phil said about Vinnie and Dime before the incident, I don't blame Vinnie one bit for not wanting anything to do with Phil.
It's because jails protect those monsters now. It started to look like they had lost institutional control when guys like Dahmer got erased. Now they put them in special quarters away from the rest of the population. Last time I was in jail, I got into it with some mutant because he thought I was from the "Lavender" unit and I didn't know what that meant. Turned out it was the sex offender unit and another guy that was in my cell had been moved from there
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Vinnie is a cheeseball, but after what he endured whatching his brother get shot in front of him like that, I can't blame him for wanting to play music a little more mainstream to avoid having to do the hole-in-the-wall circuit anymore. And honestly, after everything Anselmo squandered for Pantera and all the dumb shit Phil said about Vinnie and Dime before the incident, I don't blame Vinnie one bit for not wanting anything to do with Phil.
Inb4 devildriver sucks